Our Journey To Recovery

Our Journey To Recovery

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 7 Tuesday

Randy went to tour the Shepard Center yesterday and both Debbie and Randy will be there tomorrow morning. Debbie had a chance to do the on line tour and she is excited that they are finally at this stage and talking about rehab!

Christopher has already started his rehab @ Grady and based on the level of physical therapy his blood pressure and heart rate rise( due to exertion) Obviously he has very little stamina at this point and with any exercise routine will have to gradually build up his tolerance.

The goal is to get Christopher off the ventilator which will allow him to be transferred out of ICU. He was breathing on his own for 2.5 hours today with no need for additional oxygen and his SPO2 ( oxygen level in the blood) remained stable. All steps in the right direction.

On a personal note: The Heitzman family would like to personally thank John and Rosemary Brown, Sarah Brown and the Maroun Children who attended Lassiter and Mabry with Christopher and Davis for their generous donation of 2 Stryker recliner/ sleeper chairs that will be placed in the Trauma ICU family waiting room in honor of Christopher.

Ms. Ashley Steele is the Trauma Service Manager; she has been a wonderful support for our family and I know she would be absolutely grateful for any help she could get for her other families who will need Grady in the future. Her cell phone is 404 405 8068.

Both Debbie and Randy are eternally thankful that this furniture donation that will help many families have a more comfortable respite when sleeping in the Trauma ICU family waiting room.

This was in direct response to Debbie sharing her story about her own personal experience in the Trauma ICU family waiting room during the first few days of Christopher’s’ stay @ Grady in the Trauma ICU

I have not left Christopher's side for the last 26 days, During my first 5 days in the trauma ICU on the 7th floor I slept on a bench or on the floor in the family waiting room as they did not have any sleeper chairs for families and there was no space in his room as he had so many devices attached. I was not alone; my wonderful supportive husband did the same along with the other families that were enduring the same tragedy as us. While they did have some couches, there were simply not enough for all the family members.

On day 5 Christopher had a Neuro crisis and was moved to the Marcus Neuro and Stroke ICU unit, a new unit where each patient room has a family room attached with a couch where the parent can sleep.( what a blessing)

Thanks again for your continued blessings, prayers and support. 

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