Our Journey To Recovery

Our Journey To Recovery

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday November 21st

We have been very busy this past week, Christopher continues to work on building his strength in his legs and core. We are working on the mat a couple of hours each day, using the exercises Kirra gave us.
Looking like the bionic man.

Hopefully I have everything settled with the new home healthcare agency, we have an interview scheduled this coming Tuesday, they should be starting sometime next week.

Friday afternoon Eileen stopped by to see Christopher, she hadn't seen him since we left for Philadelphia. It is hard to believe but she had been caring for him for nearly a year.

We had planned on going to Lassiter's playoff game Friday night, however the weather has pretty cold and wet so we stayed home and watched the game on TV. Coleman came by and watched the game with us, it started out pretty well but quickly turned into a beat down. We lost 59-20.

Saturday, Davis had a lacrosse tournament and then we went to he Ryan's to for a Auburn/Georgia game day party what a great time, good food, friends and game. Especially for us Auburn fans, WAREAGLE.

Later Saturday night some of our wonderful neighbors put on a small fund raiser during their Bunco night. Debbie, Christopher and I had a great time playing Bunco. I walked away with a prize for the highest number of wins, Debbie won for a random draw and Christopher was the recipient of their overwhelming generosity..

This week Christopher also started back at the Shepherd Center outpatient facility, Pathways. There we met with Amber, who will be his OT and Jill one of the PTs. We were up by 6am Monday morning to be there by 8:45. Traffic was horrible as usual.

Much of the first day was spent taking measurements and establishing goals. We went through his history and I gave them a brief explanation of his capabilities. both Amber and Jill were very nice, we also saw Dr. Fadia, she came by to examine Christopher. She will be the physician of record while we are there. She followed him when we were there before.

Tuesday we were back with Jenna his Speech Therapist and we finally received his Dynavox communicator, it is so cool. We still have to load some of his information, but they did get the adaptors attached to his wheelchair, which will allow him to have it is front of him at all times. He is still learning all of the in and out of the device.

That afternoon we were back at Pathways. We met Brian, who will be his PT going forward. Brian was one of the therapist at the Shepherd Center last year who helped Christopher walk on the treadmill.

Wednesday morning we finally met with Karen, she is one of the nurses from Senior Helpers. They will be starting with us Friday. That afternoon we were back at the school to see Cathy and Gary Zingler, he loves going up there and working with them.

I have included a video of Christopher and I walking from the family room to his wheelchair. In the earlier videos you will remember seeing him walking but with the assistance of several people. He is really making great progress.

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