Our Journey To Recovery

Our Journey To Recovery

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday August 12

We are very pleased that Christopher has been moved out of the ICU into his own room. Big day, 5 weeks after his accident!

He is in room 240 @ Shepard Center.  They continue to reduce the ventilator setting weaning him off of it. He has been breathing on his own with positive pressure to ensure his volume is adequate( helps keep his lungs expanded on expiration) Christopher has tolerated this well. 

The staff have gotten him dressed and up into his wheelchair both Saturday and today. He has slept most of the time on both occasions. Pretty exhausting. Tomorrow he will have a feeding tube (PEG tube) placed during surgery at Piedmont. This will allow him to receive more nutrition with lots of calories to help him heal. It appears he does have a torn ACL and MCL on his right knee (  anterior cruciate and medial cruciate ligaments)so he is wearing a hinged brace at this time until he can have it surgically repaired. We are still waiting on a MRI. 

Much of his physical therapy will begin tomorrow,  and he is also scheduled for speech therapy. It is going to be a big day. Thanks for all the prayers. 


  1. Still checking on him everyday and praying he recovers quickly but very very thankful he is here with us to recover!

  2. Amazed and glad to hear that Chris continues to recover! God is good!

  3. The Midlevels at the Marcus Stroke Center are thinking about you Chris and also praying that Mom and Dad are doing ok. We know that the amazing people at Shepherd will take great care of you. Please come see us some day and even though you won't remember us, we will be so happy when that day comes!
